Showing posts with label Selenium. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Selenium. Show all posts

Remote Control a Running Firefox

Remote Control a Running Firefox

Have you been wondering how to automate Firefox using your own profile? Have you wanted to do data mining with javascript support as provided by the Firefox web browser? Have you been wearing the letters off your keyboard searching for a simple way of passing data between Firefox and external programs? Well, if you’ve been looking for a way to make macros without shelling out good cash for bad programs then, you can write your own using my latest project as a starting point.

selenium-vba: Automate the Web

selenium-vba: Automate the Web


Cloud based web applications are amazing, they make life so much simpler. What they've done is effectively eliminated the numerous problems associated with deploying applications within a business. Now, it doesn't matter what operating system, configuration settings, etc. are installed on the machine, the cloud rains down a consistent user experience by simply using a compatible web browser. Awesome stuff, really.

Now, lets get back to the real world. The web was designed for documents and extended to include visual/audio media. Tack on some client side scripting and bang!: interaction and logical processing becomes feasible. All of the wonderful developments bring us awesome things like Facebook, Wordpress, Cloud9 IDE, and a whole slew of other amazing things. There's a catch, of course, and it has everything to do with bandwidth.

Selenium Extension: RecordMouseDownUp

Selenium Extension: RecordMouseDownUp

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Today I wrote another extension for the Selenium IDE: RecordMouseDownUp. This has been tested with the Selenium IDE 1.7.2 and is known to work on standard devices (my friend said someone's making a sex toy for the iPad; If you happen to try it out and this extension works as expected, keep it a secret you perv! :O )

Selenium Extensions: RecordSpecialKeys, RecordAllClicks

Selenium Extensions: RecordSpecialKeys, RecordAllClicks

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Today I wrote two extensions for the Selenium IDE: RecordSpecialKeys and RecordAllClicks. These have been tested with the Selenium IDE 1.7.2 and are known to work on even the most convoluted web cloud app-ish bullshit, except for the meta key in RecordSpecialKeys.js: that's untested. If someone tries it out and the meta key works like the rest of the keys, let me know. ;)